Paternity labs

Order Prenatal Paternity Testing – AABB accredited and Completely Safe

Paternity labs are specialized laboratories that conduct DNA testing to determine the biological father-child relationship. These facilities use advanced genetic testing techniques to analyze the DNA samples collected from the child and the alleged father, and sometimes the mother, to ascertain paternity with a high degree of accuracy. The process involves comparing specific regions of DNA between the individuals tested, looking for a match that indicates a biological relationship.

Services Offered by Paternity Labs

  • Legal Paternity Testing: These tests are conducted under strict chain-of-custody procedures to ensure that the results are admissible in court for legal matters such as child support, custody, and inheritance cases.
  • Personal Paternity Testing: For individuals seeking to confirm paternity for personal reasons without the need for legal documentation. These tests can be conducted at home with test kits sent by the lab, but the results are not typically admissible in legal proceedings.
  • Prenatal Paternity Testing: Conducted during pregnancy to establish paternity before the child is born. This can be done through non-invasive methods, which involve collecting the fetal DNA from the mother’s blood, or invasive methods, which include amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS), though these carry risks to the fetus.
  • Sibling Studies: To determine if two or more individuals share one or both parents, useful in cases where the alleged father is not available for testing.
  • Grandparentage Testing: When the alleged father is deceased or unavailable for testing, DNA from the paternal grandparents can be analyzed to establish a biological relationship with the grandchild.

How Paternity Testing Works

  • Sample Collection: DNA samples are most commonly collected using a buccal (cheek) swab from the inside of the mouth of the child, the alleged father, and sometimes the mother. For prenatal testing, maternal blood samples and, less commonly, amniotic fluid or placental tissue samples are used.
  • DNA Analysis: The lab extracts DNA from the samples and examines specific markers known as Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) or Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs). These genetic markers are compared between the child and the alleged father to see if there is a match.
  • Results Interpretation: A mathematical calculation is performed to determine the probability of paternity. A probability of 99% or higher is typically considered proof of paternity, while 0% indicates that the tested individual is not the biological father.

Choosing a Paternity Lab

When selecting a paternity lab, it is essential to consider the following:

  • Accreditation: Ensure the lab is accredited by relevant authorities or organizations, such as the AABB (formerly known as the American Association of Blood Banks) for legal testing.
  • Confidentiality: The lab should guarantee the confidentiality and privacy of your test results.
  • Experience and Reputation: Choose a lab with a solid track record and positive reviews from previous clients.
  • Customer Support: Look for labs that provide clear instructions, support, and assistance throughout the testing process.
Order Home-based Paternity Testing with 99.99% Accuracy


Paternity labs offer a scientific and reliable method for determining biological relationships, providing clarity and legal proof of paternity when needed. With the advancement of genetic testing technologies, paternity testing has become more accessible and affordable, allowing individuals and families to resolve questions of biological parentage with confidence.

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