Food allergy operations of major airlines

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The food allergy operations of some of the top major airlines have various accommodations and policies to assist passengers with allergies:

Alaska Airlines: Travel deals from Alaska Airlines

  • Passengers are advised to communicate their allergies when booking.
  • Crew may announce serious nut or peanut allergies to other passengers and request them to refrain from consuming such products.
  • Allows pre-boarding for passengers with food allergies to clean their seating area.
  • Does not serve peanuts but may serve warm nuts in first class.
  • Cannot guarantee a nut- or allergen-free flight but has emergency medical kits with epinephrine auto-injectors onboard​​.

American Airlines: – Travel deals from AA

  • Advises adding a note about peanut or nut allergies when booking.
  • Does not make in-flight announcements about passengers with food allergies.
  • Does not serve peanuts but cannot prevent other passengers from bringing peanuts onboard.
  • Offers pre-boarding to clean seating areas for allergens.
  • Provides gluten-free meals if pre-ordered.
  • Includes epinephrine auto-injectors in their medical kits​​.

Delta Air Lines: Travel deals from Delta

Delta Air Lines tries to accommodate passengers with allergies but can’t guarantee a peanut-free or allergen-free flight. If notified of a peanut allergy, they will refrain from serving peanuts and peanut products onboard. Passengers with significant allergic reactions are recommended to bring their own medications. Delta allows passengers to pre-board to clean their seat area of allergens. They also offer a variety of special meals to comply with special dietary requirements.

United Airlines: Travel deals from United Airlines

  • Does not serve pre-packaged peanuts but cannot guarantee an allergen-free environment.
  • May pass along requests to nearby passengers to refrain from consuming allergen-containing products.
  • Does not offer allergen-free buffer zones​​.

Southwest Airlines: Travel deals from Southwest Airlines

  • Stopped serving peanuts but cannot guarantee snacks are free from peanut contamination.
  • Cannot prevent passengers from bringing peanuts onboard​​.

JetBlue: Travel delas from JetBlue

  • Does not serve peanuts but does serve other nuts and items that may be cross-contaminated with peanuts.
  • On request, will create a three-row buffer zone around a passenger with a nut allergy.
  • Offers full refunds to passengers whose allergies make it impossible for them to travel​​.

For a detailed overview of each airline’s policies, I recommend visiting their respective official websites or contacting their customer service for the most current information. Additionally, organizations like Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) and Allergic Living provide resources and updates on airline policies regarding food allergies.

The content is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical advice of a physician
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